Creatively Equip this Generation to Know Christ.

About TAE

Founded in 2007 by Annie Pajcic, ThouArtExalted combines the study of God’s Word with Annie’s passion for the arts. Guided by 1 Chronicles 29:11, ThouArtExalted offers 15 art-inspired Bible studies, workshops. speaking opportunities, and online resources to help women, teens, and tweens deepen their relationship with Jesus.


    • ThouArtExalted means He IS Exalted. Look up 1 Chronicles 29:11 in the King James Version. God is exalted above everything.
    • ThouARTExalted started with 15 girls and today has reached over 20,000 girls with the gospel message.
    • TAE has over 60 art projects combined with God’s Word.
    • TAE Bible Studies are in 48 states and 8 countries.
    • TAE is based in Jacksonville, Florida and has an event space that supports the ministry.

Our Passion