Riding Tandem


Key Verse: Proverbs 3:5-6
Key Message: Let go of control and trust in God


Using the imagery of a tandem bicycle, this new six-week Bible study will teach women how to let go of the need to control their circumstances and fully surrender their lives to God. Riding Tandem will equip busy women/moms on their journey to a deeper, more personal relationship with Jesus by examining the acronym T-A-N-D-E-M:
T-ime for Takeoff
N-ecessary Stops
D-on’t Stop Pedaling
E-njoy the Ride
M-ark the Moments


Riding Tandem is about learning our position on the back of the bike and trusting God with the front steering. Our personal relationship with God is built for two. He is the Captain, and we must learn to lean into His leading, pedal forward, and trust Him with the directions.
While our final destination is heaven, our destiny on earth has purpose. It’s an exciting adventure! We are not just along for the ride, we are a part of the ride. God wants us to live fully surrendered to His leading. Riding Tandem with Jesus is letting go of the handlebars and experiencing His power as we pedal. Every day.

You will find a sample of the first lesson in the product images. This will give you an idea of the content and structure of the material.

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Additional information
Weight .76 lbs
Dimensions 11 × 8.5 × .25 in