Tacos for Tuscaloosa

I have two sisters that live in Alabama and although they were not personally effected by the storm, many of their friends were. What do you do so far away?

How can you TEACH your children about the devastation and at the same time HELP those in need?
My youngest child reminded me that day that it was “TACO TUESDAY” and the idea hit.
We could host a TACO TUESDAY for TUSCALOOSA at our school and raise money for those who were effected by the storm.

It was such a success that we raised $1,000.00! God is good…all the time, even in the storms of life.
Please download this TACO FOR TUSCALOOSA LOGO I designed if you want to host a TACO TUESDAY!

<iframe width=”420″ height=”315″ src=”http://www.youtube.com/embed/5gefCDRp0g0″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>

  • Dawn Montgomery
    Posted at 16:42h, 14 May Reply

    Love it! Beautiful message.

  • Katherine Forrester
    Posted at 17:00h, 14 May Reply

    Annie, You are so talented………. Thank you for teaching our children the power of helping others.

  • Kristin
    Posted at 21:33h, 14 May Reply

    Wow, Annie!!! You never cease to amaze me! Such good work!

  • Susan Pitman
    Posted at 07:20h, 15 May Reply

    Annie! This was so inspirational! You are a woman that lives your faith, and I’m so thankful God has put you in our path. xo

  • Raymur Rachels
    Posted at 09:18h, 15 May Reply

    What a great project for you and your kids, and helping others at the same time!

  • susan hamner
    Posted at 17:27h, 15 May Reply

    Oh sweet prescious Sister!! I just am overwhelmed by the video!
    Tears flowing again! I told our minister about “taco tuesday for tuscaloosa” and she wants to show congregation. Thank you for all your effort, time, money …. God is so smiling and what you and your family/friends/school have done! I really just don’t know how to express in words how I’m feeling right now…can’t wait to hug your neck and tell you in person “I love you Annie and thank you for ALL you’ve done to help our city!”

    • Annie
      Posted at 21:27h, 15 May Reply

      I love you too!

  • Jo Frances Findlay
    Posted at 22:23h, 15 May Reply

    I love your sister,Susan,and her family.I also live in Tuscaloosa and suffered some damage from a tornado that terrible day,April 27th.Thank you for teaching children how to care for others enough to help people devasted by a natural disaster.This was an awesome video.I plan to share it at my Tuscaloosa church,Forest Lake United Methodist.Our church and it’s neighborhood were in one of the most devasted areas of Tuscaloosa.Thank you!!!JF Findlay

    • Annie
      Posted at 09:29h, 16 May Reply

      JF, thank YOU! I love my sister too! 🙂 By ALL means, please show this at your church…that’s is what God intended! I will be praying for your family, your church, and your neighborhood. I know it will be a long road but GOD is faithful. Annie 🙂

  • Frances Vogel
    Posted at 19:28h, 16 May Reply

    Tuscaloosa is my hometown, though we live in North Alabama now. I am so moved and just so proud of all of your efforts to help Tuscaloosa. The kids are so wonderful; I love their bright faces and knowing that they are so happy to be helping!
    What a special town and a special school!!
    Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. No storm can take away the faith that we have in God and in each other!! You guys ROCK!

  • Cindy Cail
    Posted at 12:15h, 17 May Reply

    God Bless!!! So sweet !! We are Tuscaloosa with great faith and GOD is opening his arms so wide!!!!!

  • Thelma
    Posted at 12:52h, 18 May Reply

    What an inspiring testimony you have! I am so honored to be associated with your fine family….going on 23 yrs now working for your mom & dad!

  • Jeanne Dennis
    Posted at 21:57h, 18 May Reply

    Wow, Annie. You’ve done it again. Used the wonderful talents God has given you for His glory and in service to others. It is an honor to call you my friend and sister in Christ.

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