Psalm 121:1-3: “I lift my eyes to the hills–where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. He will not let your foot slip.”

Curry and I were on a hike today (celebrating 19 years of marriage!), and we missed the path UP because we were LOOKING at the path DOWN.
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God started stirring in my spirit . . . Yes, He does this even on vacation! Too often, we miss the direction He has for us because we are looking down. We look down on our circumstances. Down on our jobs. Down on our friends. Down on our health. Down on our finances. Down on our government. But God wants us to look UP!
He says in Psalm 105:5, “Look to ME and My strength; seek MY face always.” He tells us in Psalm 121:1-3: “I lift my eyes to the hills–where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. He will not let your foot slip.” I am not sure what you are going through today, but I challenge you to LOOK UP. Don’t miss the right path.
Look to His strength.
Look for His help.
Seek His face, and LOOK to the Lord.
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