Mark 11: Fig Tree, Fruit and Faith

Podcast: Fig Tree, Fruit and Faith by Annie Pajcic

I LOVE modern technology! I also LOVE that I can share my sermon with you from this past Sunday at our church, St. Johns Presbyterian in Jacksonville, FL. Listen with me as we journey with Jesus the day He enters into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday from Mark 11:11-25.

  • Why was Jesus so passionate to curse a fig tree with no fruit?
  • Why was He so outwardly aggressive to cleanse the temple?
  • What would happen four days after this event that would change the world forever?

I’ve included the Podcast Link (above) to the sermon AND a FREE Discussion Download. This would be great to use for your morning quiet time, your small group, or even with your kids on the way to school tomorrow!

Download the Mark 11 Discussion Questions 

I would love to hear your answers! Choose one that touched your heart and email me at:

I hope you enjoy this lesson and the corresponding questions. My prayer this week is that you would live out the faithful, fruitful life to which God has called you. Don’t just be “a bunch of leaves,” — live in the fruitful sweetness of Jesus.

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