Art Camp Cancelled? I don’t think so!

When circumstances change and trials hit, sometimes we simply give in and give up. It seems the easiest road to take. The one with the least resistance, right? So what happens when the main source of income for your small ministry is threatened because you can’t host the 80-100 girls in one room for art camp like you used to?
You have to think out of the box that holds your fears and trust in a creative God that can give you creative options.
With summer quickly approaching, the idea of “Art Camp in a Box” began when the virus started spreading across the US. “Why don’t we package the art camp experience and send the art supplies all around the country?” – my mind began to dream.
This dream became reality three months and 20 videos later when we mailed almost 90 packages from Oregon to Tennessee. With over 20 volunteers, 500 bottles of paint, and over 1000 art supplies … TAE was still in business!
We were fortunate to have one small “live” camp in Jacksonville, but when our city became a hot spot for spiked cases, we canceled the next two camps. The decision was difficult, but knowing it was the safest option for our sweet girls, operation Art Camp in a Box kicked into high gear again and within four days, we packaged and delivered another 70 boxes.
This summer’s Bible Study, called A Seed To Sow, focuses on Luke 8:4-15 where Jesus is teaching us about the Kingdom of God through the parable of farming. God is the farmer, the Word is the Seed, and the enemy is doing his best to steal, kill, and destroy God’s Word from our hearts. Through busyness, trials, testing, troubles, worry, fun, and the riches of this world … Satan’s ultimate goal is that we won’t believe and be saved. These tactics clog our hearing of the Word and also prevent us from telling others the good news about Jesus.
Sound familiar?
I just think of the many ways the enemy tried to STOP ART CAMP. Through testing, trials, worry, fear, and this virus … we could have simply quit and called off camp all together. But this also would have stopped girls from our mission – Creatively equipping this generation to know Christ. Instead, we created “Art Camp in a Box.” I’m so honored to be apart of our sweet little ministry because instead of seeing our limitations, our team decided to focus on what we COULD DO and not what was threatening to stop us.
What is hindering you today from sharing the good news? What is stopping you from pursuing your God-given dreams? Think outside of the box! It doesn’t have to be prefect, the seed just needs to fall on good soil. So go ahead and read the Parable of the Sower. Be still and listen to God’s Word and ask for His direction. Let His seed plant deeply in your soul. Rest in His promises. And when life is difficult, count on the trusty farmer who NEVER gives up on you or sowing His seed. When we trust, listen, and obey … we just might produce a harvest a hundred fold.
Art supplies included. ????????
* Below are pictures of zoom meetings, girls opening their boxes, and creating ART to remind us of God’s Word. The seed is being sowed and my heart is overjoyed! Thank YOU Lord!
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