School has Started and I am dancing a Jig!

School is in. The bell is ringing. (All 15 minutes of it!)
It’s 8:15, and ALL four kids are back in school. Summer is officially over. Can you see the smile on my face? ( I was considering posting a YouTube dance video but then thought, maybe not.)
Someone asked me yesterday if I was sad that school was starting and my answer came out a little too quick! Me? No way. Please do not get me wrong. The Pajcics had a full summer, and we are blessed because of it.
family summeer
Camps, work-crew, trips, birthdays, summer ministry – art camp, back to school errands, summer reading, sports forms, physicals, paperwork, registration, the questions: “Oh, Mom, did you get my highlighters, backpack, and order my uniform?” Done. At least until the phone rings.
As for this moment, I am loving the quietness of my house. Even the chime of the dryer is a beautiful noise.
I’m on my second cup of coffee and my house is still clean. A miracle in itself.
Nothing is moving. Nothing.
The start of the school year means a fresh start for me as well. The quietness in my house allows me to be still before the Lord. ThouArtExalted Ministries is my heart’s desire, and the stillness gives me an opportunity to study. One of my favorite lessons in PLANTED: Sit, Stand, and Walk with Jesus, my Bible study for women, is called Set to Sit. PLANTED, based on Psalm 1:1-3, describes the Christian as a tree planted by streams of water. The Message Bible refers to this verse (Psalm 1:3) as a tree replanted in Eden.

Psalm One, The Message

When I read this particular word chosen for “planted,” I about jumped out of my seat. I turned straight to Genesis and started studying the account of the garden of Eden. This garden, where Adam and Eve had a perfect relationship with God, was like nothing we have ever experienced. Think about it. Eden was a place where they could engage and have intimate conversations with God. Eden was where Adam was given freedom as well as boundaries (vs. 16,17). It was a creative place where Adam named all the animals (vs.19,20). Eden was the place where God took one of Adam’s ribs and formed Eve, the perfect mate, a helper suitable for him (vs.22). Eden was the location of the first marriage.
Eden was a holy sanctuary. There was no shame, no regrets, no pain, no sickness, no sorrow, no gossip, no bitterness, no worry, no tears, no sin, and no death.
Would this not be the perfect place to be SIT and be REPLANTED?
Of course, we cannot return to Eden. Because of Adam and Eve’s disobedient choice to step outside the boundaries God had clearly set, they were cast from the garden. Forever. And a “Do Not Enter” sign was hung on the East gate.
But, God had a plan.
Centuries later, God replaced the “Do Not Enter” sign with an “All Are Welcome” sign through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. When we believe in Jesus, we are Re-Invited to be Re-Planted in Eden where we can sit in God’s holy presence once again.
It’s a beautiful love story.
I believed in Jesus when I was 17-years old. I believe that personal choice allowed Jesus’ perfect nature to wash away my sin once and for all (1John 1:7-9) and invite me to a place, like Eden, where I can have holy conversations with God.
This morning, in the quietness of my home, I am sitting in His presence. I have been REPLANTED in Eden. I am having intimate conversations with the Lord where He reminds me of my freedom in Christ as well as my boundaries. I am sitting in a very creative place where I can design and write Bible studies. I am sitting in a place where I can pray for those I love. I am sitting on Holy Ground. I am Planted.
How about you? With the school year starting, are you going to a place to be refreshed? I realize our lives look very different. Some of us may be married or not married. Some may have young children, teenagers, grown-ups, or no children at all. Some of us have day jobs, night jobs, three jobs. Some may be in school or like me, celebrating that school has started. While we do not have the same “Edens,” we do have the same Lord. Our job is to find the time to come and sit in His Holy presence. This might take some creativity and re-arranging . . . but remember, Eden is a VERY CREATIVE place! The important part is showing up.
To Sit.
To be Re-Planted, Re-Focused, Re-Juvinated, and Re-Invited to Re-Think.
Oh shucks, the bell is about to ring, and I have to switch classes (i.e. put another load in the laundry and take our dog to the groomer). But before I close, I have attached the lesson from PLANTED: Set to Sit. I would love for you to print out the study and sit before our Holy God who is inviting you to be still in His presence. Don’t worry, I am praying for your creativity! And, if it involves a little dance, all the better.
Dear Lord, thank You for this time . . . to be Re-invited and Re-planted into Your holy presence. Thank You for this quiet moment. Thank You that school has started. I realize not all moms have this opportunity to be still like I do this morning, but I pray for their creativity to find the time to sit with You today. I pray for all the children going back to school. Protect them, Oh Lord, and keep them safe in the palm of Your hand.  Remind us how amazing it is that we have the freedom to come into Your throne room and find You waiting to spend time with us. Teach us, Lord, what You would have us learn today. In the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
CLICK HERE FOR:  Download of Set to Sit

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